With Memorial Day weekend behind us, now is the time for an abundance of outdoor activities. Some of these might be adult events that have beer and other alcoholic beverages present. Before you head out to these, make sure that you have a safe way to make it home. The...
Drunk Driving
Enjoy the upcoming holiday, but don’t drive home drunk
As the weather gets nicer, people are going to start heading out to outdoor activities with friends. Anyone who is going to out this weekend should take the time now to ensure that they have a safe way home. Trying to drive after having a few drinks could spell...
Differences between handheld devices and Breathalyzers
Many people who are pulled over for the suspicion of drunk driving falsely assume that the test they take on the handheld machine on the side of the road is going to be what is used to establish that they were intoxicated at the time they were stopped. In reality, the...
Impaired driving can involve alcohol, but doesn’t always
Drivers who have consumed alcohol don't have a place on the road because they put themselves and others in danger. Police officers try to spot drunk drivers so they can get them off the road. Unfortunately, this means that people who haven't ever been in legal trouble...