Excessive debt could leave Arkansas residents struggling financially. When the debt far exceeds the ability to repay the obligations, filing for bankruptcy could provide a solution. With bankruptcy, collection actions cease, and a debtor could work on commencing a...
Chapter 13
How to start a Chapter 13 filing in Arkansas
In many cases, the best way to move forward with your finances is by filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. While it may be a hard decision filled with intimidating forms and highly specific requirements, it's a useful option that has helped many people return their...
Learning more about consumer bankruptcy
According to recent statistics, the average American held more than $90,000 in consumer debt in 2018. The average balances of most major types of debt, all except for personal loans and home equity lines of credit, have grown substantially over the past decade....
Chapter 13 bankruptcy for business owners
Entrepreneurs in Arkansas don't like to think about the possibility of bankruptcy, but the truth is that everyone in the business world should have some understanding of how bankruptcy works. It's always preferable to have a plan for the worst, particularly during a...