Many Americans opt to use credit cards to pay for holiday expenses. Unfortunately, this means that they start the new year in debt. Trying to pay these bills off becomes a priority because the account is constantly accruing interest. If you plan on using your credit...
Credit Card Debt
Now is the time to plan for Christmas purchases
Christmas is just under three months away, so now is the time to start looking for good deals on the gifts you want to purchase. While you don't have much time, you can start saving now so that you aren't having to spend a lot on credit cards for this holiday....
Some people can’t afford to file bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is often thought of as a way to get control of your debt. The trouble is that some people aren't able to take advantage of it because it is cost-prohibitive. The cost of filing is too much for some people, so they just try to handle the debts as best as...
Christmas is coming but doesn’t have to involve debt
Even though most people don't want to think about it, Christmas is right around the corner. Now is the time that you have to think about what you are going to do for loved ones on that holiday. Some people will go overboard and buy gifts that they really can't afford....