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Impaired driving can involve alcohol, but doesn’t always

| Mar 6, 2019 | Drunk Driving

Drivers who have consumed alcohol don’t have a place on the road because they put themselves and others in danger. Police officers try to spot drunk drivers so they can get them off the road. Unfortunately, this means that people who haven’t ever been in legal trouble might suddenly face criminal charges.

There are several things that you should know about a charge of driving under the influence (DUI). First, you can face this charge even if you haven’t consumed alcohol. Other substances like over-the counter (OTC) medications and prescription drugs can all lead to your being unable to drive safely. The key is that anything that impacts your ability to make decisions and control a vehicle should be avoided if you have to drive.

Law enforcement officers will try to determine the level of impairment of a driver. This is done through field sobriety testing or chemical testing. While drivers can refuse either type of test, there are specific penalties present for refusing a chemical test. The implied consent laws here mean that you agreed to the chemical testing when you accepted your driver’s license.

Drunk driving is a serious criminal matter that can’t be ignored. Even if you think that losing your driver’s license is no big deal, you have to think about the other ways that it will impact your life. You might have to spend time in jail or pay fines. The loss of your license can also mean that you can’t do your job and that you aren’t able to run errands. If you do face a drunk driving charge, get your defense strategy set early so that you aren’t left trying to rush suddenly.
