Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a wonderful tool for those who have too much of an income to qualify for Chapter 7 liquidation bankruptcy. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is special, because it requires you to make payments for three to five years. You'll make those payments on time...
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 bankruptcy might not be preventable
The decision to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy isn't one that is made lightly by filers. It usually takes a lot of debt and the exhaustion of all other options before most people file. Often, there are other circumstances that play a part in the need to use this...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy requires years of repayments
Some people associate bankruptcy with the ability to just have debts written off. What they don't realize is that there are different types of bankruptcies. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is one that a person can file if they have too many exempt assets or an income that...
Bankruptcy can teach you positive financial habits
A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a way that you can reclaim your finances if you are too deep in debt. In this form of protection, you will have to make payments to the bankruptcy trustee. These are used to pay off some of the debts that you owe. During the process, a...