Protecting Your Rights And Your Future

Get the fresh financial start you deserve

| Sep 10, 2018 | Personal Bankruptcy

Filing for personal bankruptcy can help you regain your financial footing after you’ve had monetary setbacks that are too much to overcome any other way. These might come from situations that you can’t control, such as having to get emergency medical care. When these bills start to mount up, you have to look at what is going on with the rest of your money so you can decide what to do.

Oftentimes, there isn’t any other way out. No matter how much you try to scrimp and save to pay off the bills and keep up with other expenses, you might not be able to. At this point, you have to decide what you are going to do.

The first thing that you need to do is go through credit counseling to determine if the counselor can find a different way out. This is actually a requirement for filing for bankruptcy so it gives you a jump-start on the process.

We know that you might have some questions about what you need to do from here. We can work with you to determine what chapter of bankruptcy is most appropriate for your needs. A Chapter 13 is for people who have some assets and an income and can make regular payments to the bankruptcy trustee. A Chapter 7 is appropriate for a person who has a limited income and not much in the way of assets.

We realize that this is a big decision in your life. You need to consider how it might impact your future so you can go from there. Ultimately, you will likely find that filing can help you get the fresh financial start you deserve.
