Filing for personal bankruptcy is something that you might have tried to avoid, but there comes a time when you might realize that you can’t keep on going the way you have. When this occurs, you should find out about the options that you have for taking charge of your debts. This isn’t something that is always easy, but it might be the step that helps to give you peace.
We know that you need to get some questioned answered. You might need us to explain the process or to let you know about how your assets might be impacted. We are happy to do this for you so that you can make an informed decision about what you plan to do.
When you file for bankruptcy, you have to think about what you are able to do. If you have disposable income, you might need to file Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you meet certain income guidelines, you might qualify for liquidation bankruptcy, or Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Each type of personal bankruptcy has specific issues for you to consider. Make sure that you don’t get swept up in the automatic stay that you forget to think about the rest of the ways this can impact you. We fully understand that your mind might focus on that automatic stay since it means that creditors can’t contact you to collect debts that are covered in the divorce; however, this is only part of what you have to think about.
We can help you to determine which type of bankruptcy can help you to meet your goals of financial freedom and a fresh start.