Protecting Your Rights And Your Future

We understand defense is necessary for first-time DWI charges

| Jun 25, 2015 | Drunk Driving

Under the impression that a first-time DWI charge is no big deal? Unfortunately, the reality is far different in Arkansas. Even if it is only your first drunk driving offense, the possibility of spending time behind bars is very real. Instead of treating a DWI charge as a minor annoyance, consider addressing the issue with dedicated and experienced counsel.

A first offense DWI is still considered to be a rather significant criminal offense. Standard consequences for a conviction can range from steep fines and jail time to ignition interlock devices and alcohol treatment programs. Suspended driver’s licenses are also the norm.

But perhaps most importantly, no one experiences a second or third DWI conviction without that very first DWI. After an initial two convictions, drivers must spend three months behind bars, although judges do have the discretion to extend that sentence if they so choose. With each subsequent conviction, the time for which a license is suspended goes up, cutting off most people’s ability to get to work and school, forcing them to rely on sometimes less-than-reliable public transportation or friends and family to get them around.

We understand the very real and serious impact that even a single DWI conviction can have on a person’s life. Every day spent behind bars is another day separated from family and/or not working, and money that could have gone to groceries or school supplies can be whisked away by hefty fines. Our firm is dedicated to fighting for our clients in Arkansas, and although we understand when a plea deal will be most appropriate, we only take that route when necessary. If you are interested in learning more about your options for fighting a drunk driving charge, please visit our website for more information.
