Get The Legal Advice You Need After A Slip-And-Fall Accident
Tripping on a cracked sidewalk. Slipping on a greasy floor in a grocery store. Falling down steps after tripping on loose carpet. These and many other slip-and-fall scenarios cause injury and loss to many people every year. When it happens to you, a fall injury may be disruptive and costly.
Your slip-and-fall injury may have occurred:
- In (or outside of) an office building, a restaurant, a store, a resort, a casino, a recreational vehicle (like a boat) or someone else’s home
- While getting in or out of an elevator
- While getting on or off an escalator
- While getting on or off a moving sidewalk at an airport or on commercial property
Wherever you were hurt, it is important to get prompt medical evaluation and sound legal advice as soon as possible. At Hatfield Harris, PLLC, our experienced, aggressive attorneys are prepared to go up against insurance companies as we pursue justice for you.
Protect Your Right To Compensation For Your Losses
Medical bills, lost wages and expenses like transportation to medical appointments all take their toll after a slip-and-fall accident or any accidental injury. An experienced premises liability lawyer on your side can protect your right to pursue compensation from responsible parties, such as:
- The owner of the property
- A maintenance service company
- A third party such as a worker who left a ladder, tool or extension cord on the floor, creating a hazard
- A dog’s owner, if a dog caused the slip-and-fall accident
A thorough investigation into the circumstances may uncover more than one liable person or organization. If our firm represents you, we will work to maximize recovery from all relevant sources.
Begin A Premises Liability Investigation Now
Whatever the circumstances of the fall, your injuries and recovery are now your focus. You may have suffered a sprained ankle, a broken bone, a joint injury, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or another painful injury. Other types of injuries occurring on dangerous premises may include toxic chemical exposure, dog bites, electric shocks, burn injuries or assault in a public place with inadequate lighting or security.
Our law firm is ready to investigate the accident and help you file an injury claim or lawsuit with the responsible parties. A skilled, insightful lawyer from our team can review the accident, your injuries, your prognosis and potential sources of compensation. The sooner we are on your case, the more complete our investigation can be. We will gather evidence, review relevant laws and prepare your case as if for trial. By whatever means, we are well-equipped to advocate effectively on your behalf.
Let Us Hear From You
Our lawyers and staff urge you to contact us as soon as possible after a slip-and-fall accident, while as much evidence as possible is still accessible. Call 479-250-1962 or send an email inquiry for a prompt response.